Policies and procedures are used to share information about my childminding practice with you and other agencies and professionals such as my Local Authority Advisor, insurance company and Ofsted. In addition, written policies and procedures allow me to provide evidence of compliance with the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS), the Childcare Register and other relevant legislation. Finally, policies and procedures are also used to protect me, you, your child or children, visitors to my setting etc.
The two statutory policies and procedures are the Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy and Procedures, and the Complaints Policy and Procedures. These policies and procedures will be available to you during your induction period, along with some non-statutory policies and procedures that I adhere to in my setting. In addition, If you would like to have a copy of any or all of the other policies, to read at a convenient time and have them to refer to whilst your child/children are with me, please let me know.
Devon County Council has clear policies and procedures in place to ensure the safeguarding and welfare of children, and one of their requests is that their Child Protection Policy is available on my website.